alana elworthy
portfolio building
The first thing I thought when creating my portfolio was the main content and how i would organise it. Over the following few images you will see a few of my initial sketches and some of the previous designs i came up with before deciding on my final website.
You can see in the picture (left) that I tried to think of a few ways i could present my information in interesting ways, so as to avoid having to write too much! I thought about constructing a rating system for the weekly reading sections, however I soon scrapped this idea because I could not think exactly what the rating could be on.
I went through a few different sketches on the design of the website for functionality purposes, and whether I should organise the information chronologically or by category. I initially thought that chronologically would be better but then noticed as the project went on that to fit that many weeks into a side-bar would make my website too busy. So in the end I settled for categories.
portfolio: design
here I started drawing up my final web layout design, which I then turned into a wireframe. I found this was the easiest way to test what I was going to create before I did it, so I could see how the page was going to look before I went ahead and created it.
LEFT: One of my earlier designs, I scrapped this one fairly early because I didnt want to have to create something that filled the screen because of hotglue's non-responsive design.
sketches showing my though process on whether to choose a chronological or category based design
my final spider-gram showing how the user would navigate between my pages

My Final Page
I thought that although using hotglue was quite easy, the design process involved was prolonged due to the software I was using. It made it quite difficult to apply a 'style' to the pages which I think left my website looking quite basic.
Although I like the colour theme I've gone for and I also think that this layout presents the information clearly enough.
I also think that the navigation is very easy to access and understand.
Hotglue is quite a difficult platform to use because it is too easy, it isnt responsive at all and I think i found this part quite difficult, its also hard to align things.
Overall I am very happy with my final web page. I think that in the future I would plan more carefully exactly what colour scheme I was going with before I even began to avoid having to make many adjustments throughout the creation process, as I think this slowed me up a little bit.
portfolio: implementation
Over the next few images I have shown some of the buttons and processes I used to create my website! I've tried to do this in the simplest way possible and so following the images and bulletpoints you can see how I achieved this.
A, 1, 8
These are my main header boxes, I applied these to all pages and kept them very simple.
A, G, 5, 8,
The pink outlined bottles (which are actually orange) are navigation to some less important pages, these arent included in my portfolio navigation.
the blue boxes are part of my portfolio navigation, i uploaded these images after I downloaded from google and edited them in Photoshop to all be the same size. The sources for these images can be found in my references page.
D, G, 5
These are the titles for my menu, I changed the text colour to white because it looked clearer against my images
These boxes are my main text, I didnt format them at all because I wanted them to look the same on every page and I liked the way they looked already.
portfolio: implementation

created by Alana Elworthy
using Hotglue