alana elworthy
portfolio building
introduction to hotglue
Hotglue is the platform upon which we built our websites, as shown in the video it is a 'content manipulation system' which allows you to simply create text boxes, insert videos and pictures and external links.
The first website I created was very basic.

There are many limitations with Hotglue however it is very simple to use and it is quite easy to manipulate your information to get an aesthetically appealing product. Head over to my 'portfolio building' page to see my thought process behind this website!
introduction to hotglue

created by Alana Elworthy
using Hotglue
testing my website
Because of Hotglue's well known unresponsiveness, I wanted to test my website on a few different platforms and web browsers, to see how it reacted with each one.
windows, chrome
windows, internet explorer
windows, firefox
windows, ie half screen
I created my website using Chrome so I'm glad to see that it looks good on this browser. I purposely didn't put my page in the centre of the screen because I knew that I would lose most of it if the screen was smaller. I also know that Chrome is the most popular web browser so its important to me that it looks best in this view.
The only noticeable difference in this browser that I can see is that it has been enlarged slightly. It hasn't yet gone off the screen which I'm glad about due to Internet Explorer usually being the buggiest of the Web Browsers
This is where my webpage begins to fail, like the aformentioned lack of responsiveness in Hotglue software, my webpage will not shrink according to the size of the window, therefore the dreaded side scrolling has occurred. When designing my webpage I did look at the most common screen sizes and consciously tried to make my webpage small enough for the most common size (1366×768).
This screenshot was taken on an older version of windows than the others, so it may look slightly different. I think that the website still holds its own in this environment anyway.
I grabbed these statistics from the w3schools website which show the most common browser, operating system and screen resolution. When I was creating my website I took these statistics into consideration because I wanted my website to be able to work well on as many computers as possible, and creating a website which adheres to the most common browser/platform/screen resolution is the best way to do that.
Here I have inserted the feedback I got from a few of my classmates. I think that they highlighted some good things about my website which made me very happy!